Frequently asked questions

  • Where is Eastside Gym located?
    Eastside Gym is located at 15040 NE 95th Street in Redmond WA. Go down Willows Road and make a right on N.E. 95th Street. Click the 'Directions' button for the best route from your home or place of business.

    location map
  • Is Personal Training available?
    Yes. For more information and rates, please contact the front desk.
  • Do you have the lowest rates in town?
    Absolutley! Our rate plans are as follows:
    1. 12 Months - $199.00
    2. 6 Months - $130.00
    3. 3 Months - $69.00
  • Is Eastside Gym a franchise gym?
    No. Eastside Gym is not affiliated with any chain gyms. It is an independently run gym with a "Cheers" type atmosphere.
  • Do I have to be 18 years of age or older?
    No, but anyone under the age of 18 must have approval of a parent or a guardian.